Behala College

Guide to Authors

  1. Manuscripts should be submitted online through Electronic Submission System at authors will be guided stepwise through the creation of account and uploading of their files. Acceptable format for electronic submission is Microsoft Word. No hard copy submission will be accepted.
  1. Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture in conferences/seminars/symposia), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors, and that if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of JAS.
  1. Manuscripts should be within 5000 words and written in clear, concise, grammatically correct English or Bengali. Papers must be concise, lucid and interesting. They should focus on important new results. Manuscripts should be presented in the following order: (i) Abstract and keywords (ii) Text (iii) References (iv) Appendices (v) Tables (vi) Figures. All articles should have a concise, single paragraph abstract of approximately 150 words and should not contain any reference, figure or table. A maximum of 6 keywords are to be provided.

For English: Papers should be written in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, single column, and justified. Title should be of 14 font size and bold, and writings within the full manuscript of 12 font size and footnotes of 11 font size.

For Bengali: Bangla word/Avro should be used. Text should be written in Times New Roman, with single spacing, single column and to be justified. Title should be of 14 font size and bold; writings within the full manuscript should be of 12 font size.

4. The first page of manuscripts should contain the following information:

(a) the title;

(b) the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s); and

(c) the address for editorial correspondence, including phone and fax numbers, and an e-mail address.

Other sections of the manuscripts should not contain the name or affiliation of the author/s in order to facilitate double blind reviewing process. Acknowledgements should be provided as a footnote on the title page.

5. References should be listed at the end of the manuscript. The list of references should contain only those papers referred to in the text. The standard Harvard style of references is followed. Some examples:

Journal article

Costa, Dora L. 2000. ‘The wage and the length of the work day’, Journal of Labor Economics 18: 156-81.


G.G.Roberts. 1990. Langmuir-Blodgett films. Plenum Press, New York.

Chapter in edited book

Allen, F. and Winton, A. 1995. Corporate financial structure, incentives and optimal controlling. In R. A. Jarrow, V. Maksimovic and W. T. Ziemba (eds.), Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science (Vol. 9) Finance. Amsterdam and New York: Elsevier.

  1. By submitting an article to JASfor publication author(s) accept the 'Publishing Agreement' and thereby transfer the copyright to the publisher of JAS. However, the author(s) will retain certain rights such as to use for a patent, to use for the preparation of a lecture.